Sunday, July 29, 2007

PhotoStory 3 - Digital story

The assignment of making a digital story using PhotoStory 3 proved to be an interesting experience. It wasn't overally hard to make the story once I had decided exactly what I was going to do my story on. What seemed to take me forever was to decide on what exactly I wanted to do my story on. Did I want to do it on Fastball Nationals that I went to last year in Montreal or did I want to do it on family or friends??? Boy ... this was turing out to be a hard decision. Finally after days of pondering, I decided to do my digital story on the most interesting team bonding experience that I have ever taken part in. To view my digital story please watch the video below:

Cougar Women's Hockey - "It's A long Way to the Top" from Stephanie and Vimeo.


DRS said...

Video says, "no longer available"????

Jane said...

Cool video and great song!
You must find it hard juggling school and hockey!

DRS said...

Nicely done. I might suggest increasing the pace of photos given the pace of the music.

I like the idea of building the story from the training sessions to the game images.